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Staff & Volunteer Training

Help patrons find information. Don’t tell them what to do.

We recommend that you train staff to ensure that approaches to patrons are guided by that simple principle.

Because of the sensitive nature of some personal information, it is appropriate for staff to remind users they are in a public setting and may want to safeguard their personal papers, etc. just like they were safeguarding their wallets.

In the digital realm, staff may find themselves helping users create email accounts and setting up passwords.  This is an opportunity to teach users how to create strong passwords, and again to safeguard this information. 

Staff should avoid actually creating or viewing a user’s password.

imls180.for.panel.jpgMany of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's LSTA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
