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Wheel of Resources

Wheel of Resources: Prevent, Prepare, Respond, Recover

These selected organizations provide resources to help libraries before, during and after any natural or manmade disaster. 

These resources are easy to access and understand, and may be freely distributed to anyone.

Many of these resources are specific to recurring disaster scenarios in Florida such as hurricanes and flooding. 





During FY2024-25, the percentage of total costs for the BLDing Institutional Capacity program financed with federal money is 67%; the federal dollar amount to be spent on the program is $265,629. This program does not receive any non-governmental funding.

imls180.for.panel.jpgMany of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's LSTA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
