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Florida School for Boys Frequently Asked Questions

Important Updates: With the closing of the compensation bill on December 31, 2024, the State Archives of Florida will resume our regular certification fee of $8.75 per records request beginning March 1, 2025. We will no longer issue notarized certifications.

For any questions related to the application procedures for compensation under the 2024 act, please contact the Department of Legal Affairs or your attorney.

1. Why are the Florida School for Boys records at the State Archives of Florida?

The Florida School for Boys (FSB) was created in 1897 as the Florida State Reform School under the Board of State Commissioners. Over the years, the FSB existed as part of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, and in 1994 became a part of the Department of Juvenile Justice. The state also administered the Sunland Training Centers and the Florida School for Girls at Ocala. 

FSB records, among many other records of Florida’s government agencies, are held by the Archives as part of our mission to collect, preserve, and make available the state’s written history.

2. What Florida School for Boys records does the Archives have?

We have several series of records from the Florida School for Boys and its parent agencies which includes the following: 

From the Florida School for Boys at Marianna

  1. Series S2256: Florida School for Boys (Marianna, FL). Student ledgers, 1915-2011.
  2. Series S357: Florida Division of Child Training Schools. Case files, 1963-1967. 

From the Florida School for Boys at Okeechobee

  1. Series S2323: Florida School for Boys (Okeechobee, FL). Intake and discharge ledgers, 1959-1985.
  2. Series S2324: Florida School for Boys (Okeechobee, FL). Student ledgers, 1959-1968, 1981-1985.
  3. Series S357: Florida Division of Child Training Schools. Case files, 1963-1967. 

Other series of records

  1. Series S2247: Florida School for Boys: Administrative Records, 1923-2010.
  2. Series S2241: Florida School for Boys. Photographs, ca. 1920s-2010.
  3. Series S2246: Florida School for Boys. Payroll Ledgers, 1923-1961.
  4. Series S2248: Florida School for Boys. Newspaper clippings, 1956-1958.
  5. Series S369: Florida Division of Child Training Schools. Budget files, 1961-1975.
  6. Series S436: Florida Division of Child Training Schools. Subject files, 1952-1967.
  7. The State Library of Florida has existing editions of the Dozier newspaper available online The Yellow Jacket, 1933-1973.
  8. The State Library of Florida has existing editions of the Okeechobee newspaper available online The Tee Pee, 1961-1966.

3. Does the school go by different names?

Yes. Originally named the Florida Industrial School for Boys, the Florida School for Boys operated under several names across two campuses between 1900 and 2011. 

“Dozier School” refers to the school at Marianna, Florida. It was known by the names:

  • Florida State Reform School [at Marianna, FL] (1900-1914)
  • Florida Industrial School for Boys [at Marianna, FL] (1914-1957)
  • Florida School for Boys [at Marianna, FL] (1957-1967)
  • Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys [at Marianna, FL] (1967-2011) 

“Okeechobee School” refers to:

Florida School for Boys at Okeechobee (1959-2020)

4. How do I request records?

State Archives staff will be happy to assist in locating student records as allowable under state law. To locate these records, we will require several pieces of information. Please note that Archives staff will never ask for a social security number, although an affidavit of identity may be required for records so we can follow the restrictions set up by state law. 

To help us locate your records, please call 850.245.6719 and leave a message, or email [email protected] and share the following information: 

  1. The name of the student.
    1. Include First, Middle, Last name.
    2. Include any alternative names they may have gone by at the time. For example, their mother’s maiden name, a step-parent’s surname, the student’s name prior to a name change, or a nickname.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Race (The schools were segregated by race until 1968).
  4. Name of the students' parents or guardians.
    1. Include all possible names and last names.
  5. Approximate dates of confinement.
  6. Which facility the student was at, Marianna or Okeechobee.
    1. Include both schools and dates confined there if a student spent time at each. 


Name: Philip A. Sample - (mother’s maiden name: Williams)

Date of Birth: 01/01/1950


Name of Parents: Ann Williams Sample and Adam Sample

Approximate Dates of Confinement: August 1962-1963

School: Marianna

5. When will my request be completed?

State Archives Staff can generally research a request and certify it as correct within five business days, but please allow up to two weeks from date of receipt to account for mail delivery. High volumes of requests may create unexpected delays.

6. How much does it cost to get the records?

Certified copies of records are $8.75 per records request via S. 15.09(1)(a), F.S.

7. What does the certification I receive from the Archives look like?

The certification will be printed on blue security shell paper which features the State Seal of Florida. Copies of the records will be placed behind the certification and will be affixed to blue backing paper.

imls180.for.panel.jpgMany of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's LSTA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
