Statewide Resource Sharing
Resource sharing platform: FLIN SHAREit
The Division of Library and Information Services and the Florida Library Information Network are pleased to offer a statewide resource sharing system for Florida’s libraries.
FLIN SHAREit allows libraries across Florida to display participating libraries' catalogs to patrons and manage interlibrary loans through a single shared system that works with every ILS.
FLIN SHAREit uses a Z39.50 connection to check each catalog in turn to see if a library owns the requested item, whether it is currently available and whether that library is willing to loan the item through Inter-Library Loan (ILL). This makes it possible for patrons from all types of libraries throughout the state to discover and request the items that they need.
For libraries that lack a live connection and would like to participate, FLIN SHAREit can check a union database to see if a requested item is listed.
Apply online
You can apply for FLIN SHAREit online.
More information on FLIN SHAREit
- Read some frequently asked questions about this process.
- See an interactive map of participating libraries and their FLIN SHAREit pages.
- If you are a participating library, you can request to join the FLIN SHAREit team to view trainings, receive notices and communicate with your colleagues.
As the name indicates, participation will be tied to being a current FLIN (Florida Library Information Network) member.
FLIN (Florida Library Information Network)
FLIN is a statewide, cooperative network of Florida libraries that agree to provide loans of circulating returnables (i.e., books) to other FLIN members at no charge.
Read more about FLIN, or download the FLIN Manual (PDF).
Statewide courier
The Florida Library Delivery Service:
- Provides pickup and delivery of interlibrary loan materials among over 200 libraries throughout Florida.
- Florida libraries who are members of the Florida Library Information Network (FLIN) are eligible to participate.
- Is co-managed by the Tampa Bay Library Consortium (TBLC) and the Division of Library and Information Services.
Benefits for staff
- Tailor the user experience with a highly customizable site.
- Set your own lending policies.
- Map your collections so you only get requests for items you can lend.
- Choose your level of request mediation.
- Run picklists showing call numbers and availability.
- Download MARC records for copy cataloging.
Benefits for patrons
- Access to millions of items from dozens of libraries.
- Ability to log in using their local library credentials.
- Can place and track their own requests.
Contact us
Bureau of Library and Network Services
State Library of Florida