LSTA Panel Handbook
Library Services and Technology Act
In January 2019, the State Library Council began to serve as the LSTA Panel. The Council reviews LSTA applications and makes funding recommendations to the Florida Secretary of State.
- Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Grants-to-States Program (PDF)
- Florida Libraries Strengthen Communities: Florida's Library Services and Technology Act Plan 2023-2027 (PDF)
Assurances and certifications
Background information
- Florida Library Landscape (PDF)
- Rural Areas of Opportunity (RAO) are defined as rural communities, or a region composed of rural communities, that have been adversely affected by extraordinary economic events or natural disasters.
Roles & responsibilities
- LSTA Panel Members List
- LSTA Panel Organization and Operation Overview (PDF)
- LSTA Panel Guidelines for Funding Review (PDF)
- Memorandum of Voting Conflict for State Officers (PDF)
Application & review
- 2024-25 LSTA Grants Timeline (PDF)
- 2024-2025 LSTA Guidelines (PDF)
- Project Evaluation and Review