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Public Library Data  PDF
Table 1 Access to Library Services  85KB
Table 2 Library Staff  86KB
Table 3 Librarian Salaries  83KB
Table 4 Revenue  86KB
Table 5 Capital Revenue  81KB
Table 6 Expenditures  86KB
Table 7 Expenditures by Category  85KB
Table 8 Collections (Physical and Digital)  87KB
Table 9 Circulation and Borrowers  85KB
Table 10 Circulation by Type and Total Collection Use  84KB
Table 11 Visits, Reference, Interlibrary Loan  86KB
Table 12 Active Programs and Attendance  90KB
Table 13 Self-Directed Programs and Attendance  87KB
Table 14 Electronic Access  84KB
Table 15 Friends Groups  84KB


Ranked Library Use Elements PDF
Table 16 Square Feet Per Capita  77KB
Table 17 Population Per FTE Staff  78KB
Table 18 Population Per MLIS Staff  78KB
Table 19 Local Operating Revenue Per Capita  80KB
Table 20 State Operating Revenue Per Capita  79KB
Table 21 Total Operating Revenue Per Capita  79KB
Table 22 Staff Expenditures Per Capita  80KB
Table 23 Collection Expenditures Per Capita  79KB
Table 24 Total Operating Expenditures Per Capita  80KB
Table 25 Electronic Formats Per Capita  82KB
Table 26 Print Materials Per Capita  78KB
Table 27 Audio Materials Per 1,000 Population  79KB
Table 28 Video Materials Per 1,000 Population  79KB
Table 29 Collection Use Per Capita  79KB
Table 30 Children's Materials Circulation Per Capita  79KB
Table 31 Percent of Population With Library Cards  81KB
Table 32 Library Visits Per Capita  78KB
Table 33 Reference Transactions Per Capita  78KB
Table 34 Total Program Attendance Per Capita  78KB
Table 35 Emergency Response Service Changes  81KB

imls180.for.panel.jpgMany of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's LSTA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
