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Quick Reference Guide

When do you survey your LSTA participants? 

And what questions do you ask? 


If you create instruction programs for either the library workforce or the general public, you must survey the participants.

The following are the required questions about outcomes (depending on the audience and type of activity). You can also ask additional survey questions if you desire. 

Library workforce

  • I learned something by participating in this library activity.
  • I feel more confident about what I just learned.
  • I intend to apply what I just learned.
  • Applying what I learned will help improve library services to the public.

Review a sample survey (PDF)

General public

  • I learned something by participating in this library activity.
  • I feel more confident about what I just learned.
  • I intend to apply what I just learned.
  • I am more aware of resources and services provided by the library.
  • I am more likely to use other library resources and services.

Review a sample survey (PDF).

Acquiring or creating content resources

If you use your grant funds to acquire or create content for the general public, you are not required to survey participants. 

If you acquire or create content for the library workforce, you must survey participants. The required questions about outcomes are:

  • I am satisfied that the resource is meeting library needs.
  • Applying the resource will help improve library services to the public.

Review a sample survey (PDF).

Planning and evaluation

If you use your grant funds for planning and evaluation for the general public, you are not required to survey participants. 

If you are using your grant funds for planning and evaluation for the library workforce, you must survey participants. The required questions about outcomes are:

  • I believe the planning and evaluation addresses library needs.
  • I am satisfied with the extent to which the plan or evaluation addresses library needs.
  • I believe the information from the plan or evaluation will be applied to address library needs.

Review a sample survey (PDF).


If you are using your grant funds for procurement, either for the general public or the library workforce, you are not required to survey participants. 

Response options

The following response options to these questions are required: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree (or Non-response).

You can ask more questions

These required questions are the core areas that need to be covered. However, recipients are free to ask any additional questions that they feel will help measure the program’s success.

During FY2024-25, the percentage of total costs for the Administration of the Annual Program financed with federal money is 67%; the federal dollar amount to be spent on the program is $334,129. This program does not receive any nongovernmental funding.

imls180.for.panel.jpgMany of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's LSTA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
