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Social Sciences

Don't say um: how to communicate effectively to live a better life / Michael Chad Hoeppner.

Publication: New York, NY: Balance, 2025.
Subject: Communication -- Psychological aspects.
Subject: Interpersonal communication.
Subject: Public speaking.
Call No.: 302.2 HOE

The death of truth: how social media and the Internet gave snake oil salesmen and demagogues the weapons to destroy trust and polarize the world--and what we can do about it / Steven Brill.
Publication: New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2024.
Subject: Misinformation -- Social aspects -- United States.
Subject: Disinformation -- Social aspects.
Subject: Truthfulness and falsehood -- Social aspects -- United States.
Subject: Social media and society -- United States.
Subject: Conspiracy theories.
Subject: Polarization (Social sciences).
Call No.: 302.23 BRI

Social media and library services / Lorri Mon.
Publication: [Place of publication not identified]: Springer International PU, 2025.
Subject: Online social networks -- Library applications.
Subject: Social media -- Management.
Subject: Libraries -- Data processing.
Call No.: 302.30285 MON

Propaganda in autocracies: institutions, information, and the politics of belief / Erin Baggott Carter and Brett L. Carter.
Publication: Cambridge, UK; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Subject: Propaganda.
Subject: Dictatorship.
Subject: Press and propaganda.
Subject: Press and politics.
Call No.: 303.375 CAR

Superagency: what could possibly go right with our AI future / Reid Hoffman.
Publication: New York, NY: Authors Equity, 2025.
Subject: Artificial intelligence -- Social aspects.
Subject: Artificial intelligence -- Technological innovations.
Call No.: 303.4834 HOF

Genesis: artificial intelligence, hope, and the human spirit / Henry A. Kissinger.
Publication: [Place of publication not identified]: Little, Brown, 2024
Subject: Artificial intelligence -- Social aspects.
Subject: Computers and civilization.
Subject: Technology and civilization.
Call No.: 303.4834 KIS

Disposable: America's contempt for the underclass / Sarah Jones.
Publication: New York, NY: Avid Reader Press, 2025.
Subject: Social classes -- United States.
Subject: Poor -- United States -- Social conditions.
Subject: Equality -- United States.
Call No.: 305.560973 JON

Debunking the yule log myth: the disturbing history of a plantation legend / Robert E. May.
Publication: Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2025.
Subject: Enslaved persons -- Southern States -- Social conditions.
Subject: Christmas -- Southern States -- History.
Subject: Lost Cause mythology.
Subject: Southern States -- Social life and customs -- 1775-1865.
Subject: Southern States -- Social life and customs -- To 1775.
Call No.: 306.3620975 MAY

The two-parent privilege: how Americans stopped getting married and started falling behind / Melissa S. Kearney.
Publication: Chicago, IL; London, UK: The University of Chicago Press, 2023.
Subject: Families -- Economic aspects -- United States.
Subject: Marriage -- Economic aspects -- United States.
Subject: Income distribution -- United States.
Subject: United States -- Economic conditions -- 21st century.
Call No.: 306.850973 KEA

New prize for these eyes: the rise of America's second civil rights movement / Juan Williams.
Publication: New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 2025.
Subject: Civil rights -- United States.
Subject: Civil rights movements -- United States.
Call No.: 323.0973 WIL

Interference: the inside story of Trump, Russia, and the Mueller investigation / Aaron Zebley, James Quarles, and Andrew Goldstein.
Publication: New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 2024.
Subject: Trump, Donald, 1946-.
Subject: Presidents -- United States -- Election.
Subject: Elections -- Corrupt practices -- United States.
Subject: United States -- Foreign relations -- Russia (Federation).
Subject: Russia (Federation) -- Foreign relations -- United States.
Call No.: 324.973 ZEB

Russia: great power, weakened state / Marlène Laruelle and Jean Radvanyi.
Publication: Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023.
Subject: Russia (Federation) -- Politics and government -- 1991-.
Subject: Russia (Federation) -- Foreign relations.
Subject: Russia (Federation) -- Economic conditions -- 1991-.
Call No.: 327.47 LAR

Why Taiwan matters: a short history of a small island that will dictate our future / Kerry Brown.
Publication: New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 2025.
Subject: Taiwan -- Foreign relations -- China.
Subject: China -- Foreign relations -- Taiwan.
Subject: Taiwan -- Foreign relations -- United States.
Subject: United States -- Foreign relations -- Taiwan.
Subject: United States -- Foreign relations -- China.
Subject: China -- Foreign relations -- United States.
Subject: Taiwan -- Strategic aspects.
Subject: Taiwan -- Foreign relations -- 1945-.
Subject: China -- Foreign relations -- 1949-.
Subject: United States -- Foreign relations -- 1945-.
Call No.: 327.51249051 BRO

The insider threat: how the deep state undermines America from within / Adam Lovinger.
Publication: New York, NY: Encounter Books, 2024.
Subject: Obama, Barack -- Influence.
Subject: Conspiracy theories -- United States.
Subject: United States -- Politics and government -- 21st century.
Subject: United States -- Foreign relations -- 21st century.
Call No.: 327.73009 LOV

Why nothing works: who killed progress and how to bring it back / Marc J. Dunkelman.
Publication: New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 2025.
Subject: Business cycles -- Political aspects -- United States.
Subject: Economic history.
Subject: Progress.
Subject: United States -- Economic conditions.
Subject: United States -- Politics and government.
Call No.: 330 DUN

Job moves: 9 steps for making progress in your career / Ethan Bernstein, Michael B. Horn and Bob Moesta.
Publication: New York, NY: Harper Business, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2024.
Subject: Career development.
Subject: Career changes.
Call No.: 331.702 BER

Career services and workforce development centers for libraries: a guide / Raymond Pun.
Publication: [Place of publication not identified]: Rowman & Littlefield, 2024.
Subject: Career development -- United States.
Subject: Vocational guidance -- United States -- Information services.
Subject: Labor supply -- United States -- Information services.
Subject: Libraries and labor -- United States.
Call No.: 331.702 PUN

The little book of bitcoin: what you need to know that Wall Street has already figured out / Anthony Scaramucci and Michael Saylor.
Publication: Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2025.
Subject: Bitcoin.
Subject: Investments.
Subject: Cryptocurrencies.
Call No.: 332.4048 SCA

Land power: who has it, who doesn't, and how that determines the fate of societies / Michael Albertus.
Publication: New York, NY: Basic Books, 2025.
Subject: Land tenure.
Subject: Land tenure -- History.
Subject: Land tenure -- Social aspects.
Subject: Equality.
Call No.: 333.3 ALB

Power metal: the race for the resources that will shape the future / Vince Beiser.
Publication: New York, NY: Riverhead Books, 2024.
Subject: Mines and mineral resources -- Environmental aspects.
Subject: Mineral industries -- Social aspects.
Subject: Strategic materials -- Economic aspects.
Subject: Sustainable development -- Forecasting.
Subject: Rare earth metals -- Government policy.
Call No.: 333.8 BEI

Charging forward: lithium valley, electric vehicles, and a just future / Chris Benner and Manuel Pastor.
Publication: [Place of publication not identified]: New Press, 2024.
Subject: Lithium mines and mining -- Environmental aspects -- California -- Salt Sea Region.
Subject: Lithium -- Economic aspects -- California -- Salt Sea Region.
Subject: Environmental justice -- California -- Salt Sea Region.
Call No.: 338.27499 BEN

Your money or your life: debt collection in American medicine / Luke Messac.
Publication: New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2024.
Subject: Collecting of accounts -- Health aspects.
Subject: Medical care, Cost of -- United States.
Call No.: 338.473621 MES

Rethinking tourism and development / Richard Sharpley and David J. Telfer.
Publication: Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
Subject: Tourism -- Environmental aspects.
Subject: Sustainable development.
Call No.: 338.4791 SHA

An accessible past: making historic sites accessible / edited by Heather Pressman.
Publication: Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2024.
Subject: Historic sites -- Law and legislation -- United States.
Subject: Museums -- Law and legislation -- United States.
Subject: Museums and people with disabilities -- United States.
Subject: Museum buildings -- Barrier-free design -- United States.
Subject: People with disabilities -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States.
Call No.: 344.73094 ACC

The most powerful court in the world: a history of the Supreme Court of the United States / Stuart Banner.
Publication: New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2024.
Subject: United States. Supreme Court -- History.
Call No.: 347.732609 BAN

Facing the unseen: the struggle to center mental health in medicine / Damon Tweedy.
Publication: New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, an imprint of St. Martin's Publishing Group, 2024.
Subject: Mental health services -- United States.
Subject: Crisis intervention (Mental health services) -- United States.
Call No.: 362.0973 TWE

Way home: journeys through homelessness / Josephine Ensign.
Publication: Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024.
Subject: Homelessness -- Washington (State) -- Seattle -- History.
Subject: Homeless persons -- Health and hygiene -- Washington (State) -- Seattle -- History.
Call No.: 362.1086942 ENS

The ethics of protection: reimagining child welfare in an anti-Black society / Lincoln Rice.
Publication: Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2023.
Subject: Child welfare -- United States.
Subject: White people -- United States.
Subject: African American families.
Call No.: 362.70973 RIC

Miami in the Anthropocene: rising seas and urban resilience / Stephanie Wakefield.
Publication: Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2025.
Subject: City planning -- Environmental aspects -- Florida -- Miami.
Subject: Climate change adaptation -- Florida -- Miami.
Subject: Infrastructure (Economics) -- Florida -- Miami.
Subject: Sea level -- Florida -- Miami.
Call No.: 363.09759381 WAK

Over the seawall: tsunamis, cyclones, drought, and the delusion of controlling nature / Stephen Robert Miller.
Publication: Washington, DC: Island Press, 2023.
Subject: Natural disasters.
Subject: Tsunamis.
Subject: Cyclones.
Subject: Droughts.
Subject: Human beings -- Effect of environment on.
Subject: Nature -- Effect of human beings on.
Subject: Hazard mitigation.
Call No.: 363.34 MIL

Monuments and memory: archaeological perspectives on commemoration / edited by John H. Jameson, Sherene Baugher and Richard Veit.
Publication: Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2024.
Subject: Monuments -- United States.
Subject: Memorialization -- United States.
Subject: Monuments -- United States -- Public opinion.
Subject: Collective memory -- United States.
Call No.: 363.690973 MON

Offender rehabilitation issues: critical lessons for criminology, criminal justice, and public policy / Charles B.A. Ubah.
Publication: Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2023.
Subject: Criminals -- Rehabilitation.
Subject: Criminal justice, Administration of.
Call No.: 364.62068 UBA

The education wars: a citizen's guide and defense manual / Jennifer C. Berkshire and Jack Schneider.
Publication: New York, NY: The New Press, 2024.
Subject: Public schools -- Political aspects -- United States.
Subject: Education -- Political aspects -- United States.
Subject: Education and state -- United States.
Subject: Privatization in education -- United States.
Subject: Right and left (Political science) -- United States.
Subject: Religion and politics -- United States.
Subject: Culture conflict -- United States.
Subject: Social values -- United States.
Subject: Mass media -- Social aspects -- United States.
Call No.: 371.010973 BER

For FY2024-25, the percentage of total costs for the State Library and Statewide Resource Sharing program financed with federal money is 67%; the federal dollar amount to be spent on the program is $1,502,070. Local match, which includes non-governmental funding, is $742,070.31.

imls180.for.panel.jpgMany of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's LSTA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
