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Voter Turnout

Webpage last updated: January 15, 2025

Voter turnout refers to the percentage of eligible registered voters who cast a ballot in an election. Book Closing Reports show the total number of active registered voters as of the registration deadline for the applicable election. For primary elections, if a county does not have a county-wide nonpartisan or universal primary contest on their Primary Ballot, then not every active registered voter in that county will be eligible to vote in the Primary. Therefore, the number of eligible voters in a Primary is often less than the total registered voters reported in book closing. For voter turnout on special elections, visit Elections Results Archive


* In several years, both parties did not have statewide races on the ballot at the second primary.

** There were no presidential preference primaries prior to 1972.

*** There have been no second primaries since 2000.

Year Cycle Presidential Preference Primary** Primary Second Primary*** General Election
1954 Gubernatorial ** 53% 58% 47%
1956 Presidential ** 66% * 70%
1958 Gubernatorial ** 54% 30% 37%
1960 Presidential ** 59% 63% 77%
1962 Gubernatorial ** 43% 29% 46%
1964 Presidential ** 58% 62% 74%
1966 Gubernatorial ** 51% 58% 60%
1968 Presidential ** 44% 42% 79%
1970 Gubernatorial ** 41% 42% 62%
1972 Presidential 58% 31% * 74%
1974 Gubernatorial   33% 26% 50%
1976 Presidential 56% 32% * 77%
1978 Gubernatorial   36% 33% 60%
1980 Presidential 43% 36% 38% 77%
1982 Gubernatorial   30% 15% 55%
1984 Presidential 33% * * 75%
1986 Gubernatorial   30% 24% 61%
1988 Presidential 43% 31% 23% 73%
1990 Gubernatorial   34% 25% 60%
1992 Presidential 38% 35% 17% 83%
1994 Gubernatorial   29% 12% 66%
1996 Presidential 29% 26% * 67%
1998 Gubernatorial   17% 7% 49%
2000 Presidential 19% 25% 12% 70%
2002 Gubernatorial   29% *** 55%
2004 Presidential 20% 26% *** 74%
2006 Gubernatorial   20% *** 47%
2008 Presidential 42% 18% *** 75%
2010 Gubernatorial   22% *** 49%
2012 Presidential 41% 21% *** 72%
2014 Gubernatorial   18% *** 51%
2016 Presidential 46% 24% *** 75%
2018 Gubernatorial   27% *** 63%
2020 Presidential 30%  28% ***  77%
2022 Gubernatorial   26% *** 54%
2024 Presidential 21.6% 22.4% *** 78.9%