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Homework Helper

Homework Help program SSLLI slide

The Martin County Library System’s (MCLS) Homework Helper program will develop peer mentoring involving local teens who are interested in earning volunteer hours and helping their peers.  

The teens who are interested in tutoring in this program clearly show interest in working with children and may be inclined to pursue a teaching or related career path as they transition from high school to college and/or the workforce.   

Peer mentoring improves learning for both the tutor and the student. As teens transition into college and ultimately careers, experiences that instill good work ethics and dependability are values inherent to success in college and life. Peer mentoring itself enhances not only learning but also social interaction. In a culturally diverse community, partnering high achieving students with low achieving students will help address challenges in meeting the needs of all learners and may instill a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures.  

Rebecca Scheelk, Martin County Library System

For FY2024-25, the percentage of total costs for the Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute financed with federal money is 67%; the federal dollar amount to be spent on the program is $70,734. This program does not include any non-governmental funding.

imls180.for.panel.jpgMany of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's LSTA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
