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Third-Party Voter Registration Organizations (3PVRO)

Webpage last updated: February 18, 2025

What is a 3PVRO?

A 3PVRO is an organization that engages in any voter registration activities (i.e., collecting voter registration applications).  A 3PVRO may be: 

  • Any person
  • Any entity
  • Any candidate, political committee, or political party.
  • Any subsidiary or affiliate of a registered 3PVRO that itself independently engages in separate collection of voter registration applications on behalf of the affiliate.

An affiliate organization of a 3PVRO means any person, as defined in Section 1.01(3), F.S., that is associated with the 3PVRO as a subordinate, subsidiary, member, branch, chapter, as a central or parent organization, or through direct or indirect ownership or control. Ownership or control means substantial and effective, though not necessarily predominant, ownership or control.

When does a person or entity have to register as a 3PVRO?

Before engaging in any voter registration activities (i.e., collecting voter registration applications), a person or entity must first register as a 3PVRO with the State. The person or entity must complete and file Form DS-DE 119 (visit Forms page) with the Division of Elections by email to [email protected] with the form attached in .pdf format.

Note: A person or entity does not need to register as a 3PVRO if distributing blank voter registration applications, supervising the collecting or handling of voter registration applications, assisting a voter who requests assistance to fill out their voter registration application, or facilitating the voter to register electronically through registertovoteflorida.govHowever, if a person, entity, or organization, receives by mail or in person, a paper application, complete or incomplete, even if unsolicited, such person, entity, or organization has a duty to forward the application to the Supervisor of Elections or Division of Elections as soon as possible.

Who is currently registered as a 3PVRO?

Visit the State's publicly available 3PVRO DATABASE for all active third-party voter registration organizations. The database also tracks the number of application forms requested and applications returned by the 3PVRO.

What are the governing law and rule for 3PVROs?

How do I register as a 3PVRO?

To register, complete and email Form DS-DE 119 (visit Forms webpage) as an attachment in PDF format to [email protected]. If email is not available, fax the form to the Division at 850.245.6291.  Upon approval, the Division will assign the 3PVRO a unique ID#.

Can a person be a 3PVRO and a paid petition circulator?

Yes.  However, the process to register as a 3PVRO is different than the process to register as a paid petition circulator.  Please visit the Paid Petition Circulators website for separate instructions and guidance.

Can a school district register as a 3PVRO?

A school district can register as a 3PVRO to promote voter registration among eligible high school students. For more information about the Voter Promoter School District Campaign or to find out if your school district has registered as a 3PVRO, please contact the Division at [email protected] or contact 850.245.6200.

What are the duties of a 3PVRO?

The 3PVRO must comply with state law and rules governing 3PVRO activities, including, but not limited to the following requirements and duties:

  • A 3PVRO serves as a fiduciary for the applicant whose application is collected.
  • A 3PVRO when first registering must affirm that it and each person collecting or handling voter registration applications on behalf of the third-party voter registration has not been convicted of a felony violation as set forth in section 97.0575(1)(e), FS. Note: A 3PVRO may, pursuant to section 97.0575(1)(e), F.S., require and retain for their records, each person collecting or handling voter registration applications on behalf of the 3PVRO to sign a written declaration affirming under penalty of perjury that he or she has not been convicted of a felony enumerated in section 97.0575(1)(e), F.S., A 3PVRO shall not be subject to a fine pursuant to section 97.0575(1)(e), F.S., for permitting a felon to handle or collect voter registration applications on behalf of the 3PVRO if the 3PVRO has a declaration signed by the felon to collecting or handling voter registration applications on behalf of the 3PVRO.  Visit Forms webpage for DS-DE 127 (Non-Felon Declaration) for 3PVRO registration agents.
    Note:  The citizenship portion of Forms DS-DE 119 and 127, as currently adopted in rule, is not in effect at this time because it has been permanently enjoined by the Northern District of Florida, United States District Court. Therefore, the citizenship affirmation is not required.
  • A 3PVRO must notify the State within 10 days of any change about the 3PVRO including change in employee registration agents.  (Note: The 3PVRO is not required to report or update information on volunteer registration agents.)
  • A 3PVRO shall not keep an applicant’s voter registration application (or the voter’s personal information contained therein) use for any purpose other than to deliver it timely.
    Note: This provision is not in effect at this time because it has been preliminarily enjoined by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida.
  • A 3PVRO (or registration agent upon its behalf) must provide a receipt to the applicant from whom he or she is collecting or handling the application.  A 3PVRO or registration agent on behalf of 3PVRO may retain a copy of the receipt provided.  Visit Forms webpage for DS-DE 129 (3PVRO Voter Registration Application Receipt).
  • Prior to submitting the collected application(s), a 3PVRO must record its assigned 3PVRO ID #, date, and initial the application. The recording must be on the bottom front portion of the voter registration application in a manner that does not obscure any other entry.
  • A 3PVRO must timely submit all collected voter registration applications (completed or not) to the Supervisor of Elections in which the applicant resides or the Division of Elections no later than 10 days after the person dates the application or before registration deadline. If the 10th day falls on a weekend, holiday, or other day in which the Division or Supervisor of Elections’ office is closed, the application must be delivered the following business day. If book closing is within the 10-day period, then the application must be submitted on or before the book closing deadline.

What are the civil penalties for not submitting or untimely submitting collected voter registration applications?

A 3PVRO is liable for the following fines for untimely delivery or failure to deliver to the supervisor of elections in the county in which the applicant resides or to the Division of elections:

Activity Fine per application per day Fine per application if act is willful

Application delivered or postmarked more than 10 days from date collected

$50 (up to $2,500) $2,500

Application collected before the registration deadline for federal or state election but received after the registration deadline.

$100 (up to $5,000) $5,000

Application never submitted

$500 (up to $5,000) $5,000

The maximum aggregate fine that can be assessed against a 3PVRO, including affiliate organizations, for violations committed in a calendar year is $250,000.

If a person or entity collecting voter registration applications on behalf of a 3PVRO is convicted of altering a person’s application without the person’s knowledge and consent, the 3PVRO is also liable for a $5,000 fine for each application altered.

How do I update or terminate/withdraw my registration status as a 3PVRO?

Complete Form DS-DE 119 (visit Forms webpage) to update or terminate your registration as a 3PVRO.  This form must also be used to make changes including termination or withdrawal of officers, registered agent, or registration agent employed by the 3PVRO. The form must be submitted as an email attachment in PDF format to [email protected]. If email is not available, fax to the Division at 850.245.6291.

How do I file a complaint against a 3PVRO?

  • A person who claims to have provided a voter registration application to a 3PVRO and whose name does not appear as an active voter may file a complaint with the Office of Elections Crimes and Security.  Visit Forms webpage for DS-DE 121 (Complaint Against a 3PVRO).
  • A person may file an elections fraud complaint (Form DS-DE 34) with the Office of the General Counsel for any allegations of irregularities or fraud involving a 3PVRO’s voter registration activities.

How may a 3PVRO obtain blank registration applications?

A 3PVRO may obtain voter registration applications in the following ways:

  • Download from the Division of Elections’ website and copy.
  • Obtain copies from a supervisor of elections.
  • Obtain copies from the Division of Elections.

The request for forms to an election official or Division must be received in writing from a designated officer of the 3PVRO. The first 9,999 applications are provided free of charge; a charge of 1 cent per application is assessed for each subsequent application (see s. 97.052(1)(b), Fla. Stat.).

Who do I contact for more information?

3PVRO Resources

  • Rule 1S-2.042 – Third Party Voter Registration Organizations
  • Forms – The following forms relating to 3PVROs are available on the Division of Elections’ Forms webpage:
    • Form DS-DE 119 - 3PVRO Registration Form
    • Form DS- DE 121 - Complaint Against 3PVRO
    • Form DS-DE 124 - Supervisors of Elections Accounting of 3PVRO Voter Registration Applications
    • Form DS-DE 126 - Supervisors of Elections’ Transmittal Form – 3PVRO Noncompliance
    • Form DS-DE 127 - Non-Felon and U.S. Citizen Declarations
    • Form DS-DE 129 - 3PVRO Voter Registration Application Receipt

Note:  The citizenship portion of Forms DS-DE 119 and 127, as currently adopted in rule, is not in effect at this time because it has been permanently enjoined by the Northern District of Florida, United States District Court. Therefore, the citizenship affirmation is not required.
