All travel, whether paid from grant funds or funds used as match on the grant, must be made in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes.
The state reimbursement amounts for travel expenses must be used, even if local policies are different.
State travel forms must also be used. You can download a Word or PDF version of the Travel Reimbursement Voucher.
The traveler must:
- Record the purpose of the travel.
- Keep an accurate record of the:
- Point of origin for travel.
- Destination of travel for each day of the travel period.
- Hours of departure from and return to the official headquarters or city of residence.
- Indicate the mode of transportation and the purpose of travel or duties performed during each travel period.
When travel is outside the state, foreign, or for conferences or conventions, the traveler must attach the necessary documentation justifying the reason for travel.
If the travel involves attendance at a conference or convention, the traveler must document the benefits to the state.
Travel expenditures shall comply with the state guidelines for allowable costs.
State guidelines for allowable costs are outlined in the Department of Financial Services’ Reference Guide for State Expenditures (PDF). Travel-related information can be found on pages 82-101.