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Managing Your Grants

How to Manage Your Grant

This page is for applicants who have already:

All the required forms for payment requests, change requests and reporting are available on the Grant Record Details for your organization’s grant in the online system at All grant reporting and documentation takes place in Users should log in with the email and password used to submit the application. New users to should use the dosgrants FAQ as a resource or contact your grant Program Manager.

You may also find it helpful to view a recording of our most recent Grants Management webinar for 2023-2024 General Program Support (GPS) and Specific Cultural Project (SCP) grants.

Download the slides from the webinar

You may also view a recording of our most recent Grants Management webinar for Cultural Facilities grants.

Download the slides from the webinar

Need to take the Cultural Facilities Quiz? Click here.

A. Contract Details Form

Your first task as a newly-funded grantee is to update your Contract Details so that we can generate your contract.

To access your Contract Details:

  1. Log in to
  2. From the “Grants” drop-down menu, click “My Grants.”
  3. Click “Details” on the applicable grant.
  4. You are now on your Grant Record Details page. This is the hub for your grant. Scroll down to a section titled “Forms and Reports.”
  5. Click “Edit” next to “Contract Details Form.”

The Contract Details include:

  1. Deliverables;
  2. Budget;
  3. Scope of Work; and
  4. Contact Info.

DAC grants are typically divided into four equal payments. Each payment has a deliverable and documentation. A deliverable is what your organization has produced for the public. Documentation is what your organization can provide as proof that you have completed the deliverable. You must have completed your deliverable prior to requesting that payment.

Please update your deliverables and documentation for payments 2, 3 and 4. Deliverables should be simple and non-specific. You do not need to fit the entirety of your programming into your deliverables. Do not update the Payment Type.

Some common deliverables and documentation include:

  • Deliverable 2: Execute a minimum of one (1) exhibition.
    • Documentation: Provide a copy of exhibition catalog.
  • Deliverable 3: Execute a minimum of one (1) performance of a theatrical production.
    • Documentation: Provide a copy of performance program.
  • Deliverable 4: Execute a minimum of one (1) artist contract for the Token Example Festival.
    • Documentation: Provide a copy of artist contract.

Deliverable 1 is auto-populated and the same for all grantees: Timeline of grant activities for the grant period (e.g., Calendar of Events, Season Schedule, etc.) and Grants Management Webinar Quiz Certificate of Completion demonstrating a 100/100 score.


The budget in your Contract Details is auto-populated from your application budget. You have the option to amend your grant funds and cash match allocation. When amending your budget, be aware of non-allowable and match-only costs. Make sure all line items are specific.

If your grant was not fully funded, you will need to reduce your grant funds to match your grant award.

A simplified budget with fewer grant award line items will be easier to manage throughout the grant period.

Remember, you cannot match state funds with state or federal funds.

Scope of Work

The Scope of Work is all four deliverables combined into one paragraph. Here are two examples:

  • Complete the introductory package of requirements for the implementation of the Scope of Work. Execute a minimum of one (1) production. Execute a minimum of one (1) exhibition. Execute a minimum of one (1) artist contract for the Token Example Festival.
  • Complete the introductory package of requirements for the implementation of the Scope of Work. Execute a minimum of three (3) productions.
Contact Information

Select the Grant Contact from the drop-down menu. This person will receive all correspondence regarding your grant. Be sure that the Grant Contact has a phone number associated with their profile. If you do not see the appropriate staff member, contact a Program Manager for assistance.

Select the Grantee Address. This address must match the address on your Substitute W-9.

Submitting the Contract

Once you have updated the Deliverables, Budget, Scope of Work and Contact Information, click “submit.”

Executing the Contract

Once your Contract Details Form has been approved, your Program Manager will generate your contract. To access your contract:

  1. Log in to
  2. From the “Grants” drop-down menu, click “My Grants.”
  3. Click “Details” on the applicable grant.
  4. You are now on your Grant Record Details page. This is the hub for your grant. Scroll down to a section titled “Forms and Reports.”
  5. Click “Edit” next to “Contract Form.”
  6. You should see a place to download your blank contract and upload your signed contract.

You will need an authorizing official and a witness to sign your contract. Digital signatures are acceptable as long as there are no security measures attached to the document. When you have signed your contract, please upload the entire document (not just the page you signed) into the “Contract Form” page.

The Division will start executing contracts on August 1. Once your contract has been executed, you can request your first payment. You can check the status of your contract on your Grant Record Details page. Common issues with contract executions include:

  1. The organization is in noncompliance. The most common reason grantees are in noncompliance is not submitting the Final Report on a previous grant.
  2. The contract is not signed by the authorizing official and a witness.
  3. The contract is not signed on both pages that require signatures.
  4. You do not have a UEI (Unique Entity Identifier) attached to your Organization Profile.
    1. To obtain a UEI number, navigate to and click “Get Started” in the green box on the right-hand side of your screen.
    2. If you run into any issues obtaining a UEI number, start a ticket with the Federal Service Desk.
    3. To add your UEI number to your Organizational Profile, contact your Program Manager for assistance.

B. Receiving Funds

Electronic Payments

You can choose to use electronic funds transfer (EFT) to receive your grant payments.

All grantees wishing to receive their award through EFT must submit a Vendor Direct Deposit Authorization form to the Florida Department of Financial Services. Direct deposit forms must be mailed to the address on the form. They may not e-mailed or sent to the Division of Arts and Culture.

If EFT has already been set up for your organization, you do not need to submit another authorization form unless you have changed bank accounts.

If you have any questions about completing this form, please contact the Department of Financial Services at [email protected].

Payment Schedule

Payments may be requested on a quarterly basis:

  • First payment: July 1 or once your contract is executed, whichever comes last
  • Second payment: October 1
  • Third payment: January 1 of the following year
  • Fourth payment: April 1 of the following year

Note: Payments will not be processed if the organization is in noncompliance status with the Department of State. Organizations may be put into noncompliance status because of overdue reports, missing or incomplete Grant Award Documents, or for administrative reasons.

Requesting Payments

To request a payment:

  1. Log in to
  2. From the “Grants” drop-down menu, click “My Grants.”
  3. Click “Details” on the applicable grant.
  4. You are now on your Grant Record Details page. This is the hub for your grant.
  5. Click the “Request Payment” bottom on the right side of your screen. If you do not see this button, contact your Program Manager.
  6. Select the payment you wish to request.
  7. For “Invoice Period Begin Date,” enter the date your grant opened. For 2023-24 GPS and SCP grants, this is 7/1/2023.
  8. For “Invoice Period End Date,” enter the date you are submitting the payment request.
  9. Under “Payment Documentation,” use “Add new file” to attach the documentation for the payment you are requesting. The appropriate documentation should be listed on your screen.
  10. Click “Submit.”
  11. Certify that you are authorized to submit this payment by clicking the box and typing your name.
  12. Click “Submit.”

You can access payment information (status, invoice numbers, etc.) on your Grant Record Details page.

C. Reporting

Expenditure Log

Download the slides from the webinar

In order to request a payment, you must account for the grant funds you have already received in your Expenditure Log. If you are requesting Payment 1, you have not yet received any grant funds. If you are requesting Payment 2, you need to account for Payment 1.

To access your Expenditure Log:

  1. Log in to
  2. From the “Grants” drop-down menu, click “My Grants.”
  3. Click “Details” on the applicable grant.
  4. You are now on your Grant Record Details page. This is the hub for your grant. Scroll down to a section titled “Forms and Reports.”
  5. Click “Edit Log” next to “Expenditure Log.”
  6. Click “Add New Record.”
  7. A new page will open, allowing you to enter your expenditures.

Each line item needs to include:

  1. An invoice OR a transaction number. Transaction numbers must be unique numbers assigned to transactions in your banking system, i.e., check numbers or numbers assigned by your banking system.
  2. A payment date.
  3. A payee. This can be the name of a person employed by your organization (if your budget includes personnel costs), but it cannot be your organization.
  4. Grant funds. You only need to account for your grant funds in your Expenditure Log. If you are paying for a single line item with both grant funds and cash match, you may use the cash match field.

Once you have submitted your Expenditure Log, your line items will be locked. If you need to edit them again, contact your Program Manager to unlock them.

All grantees are subject to desk audits. If you are randomly selected for an audit, you will need to provide documentation that matches Expenditure Log entries.

Grant Reports

You must submit two reports for your General Program Support or Specific Cultural Project grant:

  1. A Mid-year Report, due January 30
  2. A Final Report, due July 30

To access your reports:

  1. Log in to
  2. From the “Grants” drop-down menu, click “My Grants.”
  3. Click “Details” on the applicable grant.
  4. You are now on your Grant Record Details page. This is the hub for your grant. Scroll down to a section titled “Progress Reports.”
  5. Click “Edit” beside the report you wish to submit.

The Mid-Year Report is a brief progress report covering the first half of your grant year, July 1 – December 30.

The Final Report is a more in-depth report about your budget, expenditures, programming and evaluations as they relate to the original proposal and the guidelines. The Division uses the information provided in the grant report to:

  • compile performance reports for the Florida Legislature and for Congress (via the National Endowment for the Arts);
  • develop advocacy materials and data to support future funding needs;
  • provide statistical information requested by local, regional, and national arts and cultural organizations;
  • aid in evaluating the success of Division programs;
  • identify emerging cultural needs; and
  • compile an annual Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) report.

Failure to submit either report will place your organization in noncompliance. (For more information, see Noncompliance below.) Failure to comply will result in the demand for the return of all funds paid and may bar your organization from applying for Division grants in the future.

When the Final Report has been approved by the Division, the grant is considered closed.

How to Complete GPS/SCP Final Reports Webinar










Download the webinar slides

D. Administrative Requirements

Credit Line to Acknowledge Grant Funding

In publicizing, advertising, or describing the sponsorship of the program the Grantee shall include the following statement:

"Sponsored in part by the State of Florida through the Division of Arts and Culture and the National Endowment for the Arts."

Florida Single Audit Certification

All grantees/applicants are required to complete the Florida Single Audit Certification Form (Section 215.97, F.S., “Florida Single Audit Act”).

The FSAA will ask whether your organization has expended $750,000 or more in state financial assistance in your organization’s fiscal year and, if so, to provide a state single audit. Your organization is required to complete this form nine months after your fiscal year end date.

To access your Certification Form:

  1. Log in to
  2. From the “Organization” drop-down menu, select “View My Organizations.”
  3. Click “Details” on the applicable organization.
  4. Click the “Single Audit” act tab.
  5. If you have a single audit certification form pending, you will see an “Edit” button in the “Certification Form” column.
  6. Click “Edit” and answer the prompts:
    1. Confirm that XX/YY/ZZZZ is your organization’s fiscal year end date.
    2. Does your organization share an FEIN with a larger entity? For example, is your organization a sub-unit of a city or county government? If so, what is the name of your parent organization?
    3. Has your organization expended $750,000 or more from all combined state or federal sources within your most recent fiscal year?
    4. Certify and submit.
  7. If you answered “no” to question C above, you have completed the form. If you answered “yes” to question C above, you will see an “Edit” button in the “Report Upload” column.
  8. Click “Edit” and upload your Financial Report Documentation using the “Add New File” button.

For more information, see:

E. Noncompliance

The Division of Arts and Culture shares grant compliance information with the Division of Historical Resources and the Division of Library and Information Services. Together these three Divisions make up the Office of Cultural, Historical, and Information Programs (OCHIP). Any applicant that has not submitted required reports or satisfied other administrative requirements for grants from any division in OCHIP will be in noncompliance.

Grant compliance issues must be resolved before grantees can:

  • be issued award agreements for new grants; or
  • receive payments on existing grants.

Panels will be advised of each applicant's reporting history (up to 5 years) for consideration in the application review criterion.

The Council may decline to recommend funding for an otherwise eligible application if the applicant is in noncompliance.

All project activities must be in strict accordance with all applicable federal and state laws. Grant activities that do not demonstrate compliance with federal or state laws will not be funded.

F. Resources

Notice of International Travel form

If a musical, cultural, or artistic organization that receives state funding is traveling internationally for a presentation, performance, or other significant public viewing, including an organization associated with a college or university, such organization shall notify the Department of State of its intentions to travel, together with the date, time, and location of each appearance.

Grant Management Quiz: Visit this page to complete the Grants Management Quiz and receive the Grants Management Quiz Certificate. The quiz is based on the How to Manage Your Grant webinar above. You have unlimited attempts at the quiz. When you score 100%, a certificate should be automatically sent to the email you provided. If you do not see it, check your spam folder.

