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Displaying Results from: Entire Department of State Site

Your search for "will" matched 15414 page(s).

Showing results 2131 to 2145.

State Aid


Review guidelines and forms, find instructions for annual reporting, or view estimated and final grant amounts.

Folk Heritage Awards


The Secretary of State, with the recommendations of the Florida Folklife Council, confers Florida Folk Heritage Awards annually. The awards are given to outstanding folk artists and folk culture advocates who have made long-standing contributions…

What is a Prepaid Sunbiz E-File Account?


Our Prepaid Sunbiz E-File Account is useful for frequent filings. Learn how to set up an account and how to use it.

Book Closing Reports


Snapshot of voter registration 29 days before an election.

Early Voting and Secure Ballot Intake Stations


Information on how to cast a ballot at an early voting location before election day or drop off a voted vote-by-mail ballot at a secure ballot intake station
