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Your search for "log in" matched 97 page(s).
Showing results 16 to 30.
Rehabilitation Tax Credit
Filing Campaign Reports
By Florida law, campaigns and committees are required to disclose detailed financial records of campaign contributions and expenditures.
Contacts for all of your grant-related questions and concerns. Program Managers can provide guidance for the grants process and answer your questions about applications, eligibility, grant management and best practices.
Florida History Fair Students Shine at National History Day Contest
Secretary of State Ken Detzner Encourages Exploration of the Florida Panhandle Shipwreck Trail
Go Beyond the Beaches with the Florida Panhandle Shipwreck Trail
Secretary Detzner Announces Recent Designation of Florida Properties in National Register of Historic Places
Secretary of State Ken Detzner Joins Viva Florida 500 Partners to Announce Viva Florida 500 Week
Secretary of State's Office, Division of Historical Resources, Division of Cultural Affairs, Museum of Florida History
Secretary Detzner Announces Creation of the Florida Panhandle Shipwreck Trail
Secretary of State's Office, Division of Historical Resources