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Displaying Results from: Entire Department of State Site

Your search for "c" matched 5036 page(s).

Showing results 76 to 90.

Citizens for Florida Arts, Inc.


Citizens for Florida Arts, Inc. is an organization created to partner with and enhance the efforts of the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, while helping to sustain and foster recognition of the arts in Florida. Citizens for Florida Arts, Inc.…

Folklife Council


The Florida Folklife Program is advised and assisted by the Florida Folklife Council. The Florida Folklife Council consists of seven members appointed by the Secretary of State to provide geographical, cultural and professional representation.

Cultural Facilities


The Cultural Facilities Program grant is designed to support and fund the renovation, construction, or acquisition of facilities for arts and cultural organizations.

City/County List


List of every city in Florida and its corresponding county. Organized alphabetically by city. Also includes census description.



Resources about history of Florida counties beginning with A, B and C

Civil Liability


Understand duty of care and breaches that cause a user to suffer harm.

Court Forms


Language to include when non-lawyers help complete legal forms.



What items and services can you purchase using your federal grant funds, and what items are forbidden?



How do you request changes to your grant before or during the grant cycle?
