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Art in State Buildings

About the Program

The Art in State Buildings (ASB) Program acquires artwork for new public facilities built with state funds. The program requires that up to .5% of the construction appropriation, not to exceed $100,000, be set aside to acquire artwork for permanent display in, on or around the facility.

Since the program began in 1979, more than 1,000 works of art have been purchased or commissioned for Florida public spaces. You'll find them in nearly every Florida county, in locations such as state office buildings, Department of Transportation complexes, Department of Health facilities, courthouses, throughout state university and college campuses.

The role of the Division of Arts and Culture is to ensure that the selection process is followed as per Florida Administration Code 1T-1.033 in accordance with 255.043, F.S.

How to Participate

Artists interested in participating in the Art in State Buildings program should review the selection process and the submission instructions on the Calls to Artists page, as well as join the Division mailing list to learn about new projects by email.

Current projects and a list of items that must be included in submissions can be found on the Call to Artists page.

For more information review the Art in State Buildings Program Handbook or contact the ASB program manager at 850.245.6299.


Participating artists must have reached a certain level of expertise and recognition in their medium. Their resumes should illustrate that they have met two of the following criteria:

  • the artist's works are included in private, public, corporate or museum collections;
  • the artist has received awards, grants or fellowships;
  • the artist has completed other public commissions on a similar scale;
  • the artist has participated in exhibitions at major museums or galleries.

User Agency Forms


Art in State Buildings Coordinator


