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Displaying Results from: Entire Department of State Site

Your search for "5" matched 1138 page(s).

Showing results 826 to 840.

Precinct-Level Election Results


Elections results data broken down at the precinct level, going back to 2012.



Provides an overview of DLIS programs, services and staff.

Local Arts Agencies


Local Arts Agencies provide services, support, and programs for arts organizations, artists, and their local communities.

Voter Extract Request


Information on how to request detailed voter registration and voter history records on disk.



Preparing effective and innovative library leaders.

General Program Support


General Program Support (GPS) funding is designed to support the general program activities of an organization that is realizing its stated mission and furthering the state's cultural objectives by conducting, creating, producing, presenting,…

Specific Cultural Projects


The Specific Cultural Project (SCP) grant is designed to fund an organization’s cultural project, program, exhibition, or series taking place within the grant period. The grant activities must support the mission of the organization and further the…

Cultural Facilities


The Cultural Facilities Program grant is designed to support and fund the renovation, construction, or acquisition of facilities for arts and cultural organizations.

Voter Registration Reports


Current and historical voter registration reports, going back to 1995.
