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Displaying Results from: Entire Department of State Site

Your search for "p" matched 4698 page(s).

Showing results 976 to 990.

Folk Heritage Awards


The Secretary of State, with the recommendations of the Florida Folklife Council, confers Florida Folk Heritage Awards annually. The awards are given to outstanding folk artists and folk culture advocates who have made long-standing contributions…

Early Voting and Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Reports


Reports uploaded by Florida Counties during the early voting and vote-by-mail periods.



Provides an overview of DLIS programs, services and staff.

Local Arts Agencies


Local Arts Agencies provide services, support, and programs for arts organizations, artists, and their local communities.

Cultural Facilities


The Cultural Facilities Program grant is designed to support and fund the renovation, construction, or acquisition of facilities for arts and cultural organizations.

Adult Literacy and ESOL


Resources in support of adult literacy and ESOL programs in Florida’s libraries.

Artist-in-Residence Series


The Statewide Outreach Initiative broadens the impact of folklife programs by reaching diverse audiences around the state through a variety of formats.

BLDing Success Newsletter


Links or PDFs to BLDing Success newsletter from July 2012 to present

Annual Report or Reinstatement Voucher


Print a check voucher that was previously generated for your annual report or reinstatement filing.

Fictitious Name Registration Voucher


Print a check voucher that was previously generated for your fictitious name registration.

File Reinstatement


Any corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership or limited liability limited partnership whose status was administratively dissolved or revoked can submit an online reinstatement application.

Fictitious Name Renewal Voucher


Print a check voucher that was previously generated for your fictitious name renewal.

E-Books Agency


New books from the State Library in the Philosophy and Psychology and Religion categories

Grant Reviews


Helpful information regarding our annual review of grant programs.
