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Your search for "5" matched 1138 page(s).

Showing results 121 to 135.

Ralph Hubbard Norton


Ralph Hubbard Norton, an industrialist from Chicago, retired to West Palm Beach in 1939. With his first wife, Elizabeth Calhoun Norton (1881-1953), he founded the Norton Gallery and School of Art in 1941 to house an extensive collection of major…

John N. Ringling


An international celebrity of circus fame, John N. Ringling amassed a fortune through his entertainment interests and business ventures. With his beloved first wife, Mabel Burton, the couple built an elegant Sarasota Bay mansion to house their…

Gamble Rogers


In his 30-year career as one of the South's most well-known folk musicians, Florida native Gamble Rogers appeared as the headline performer at thousands of concerts throughout the U.S. and Canada. Long before his tragic death in 1991 while trying…

Tennessee Williams


Tennessee Williams, whose name has been synonymous with American Theater almost since the production of The Glass Menagerie in 1945, adopted Key West as his home in the 1940s and lived off and on there for more than 30 years. Williams won many of…

Ellen Taaffe Zwilich


In 1983, Ellen Taaffe Zwilich became the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in music. Today, she is widely acknowledged as one of the most acclaimed American composers, writing largely in the post-modernist, neo-romantic style. A graduate of…

Campaign Finance Database


By Florida law, campaigns and committees are required to disclose detailed financial records of campaign contributions and expenditures. This page explains Who must file reports; What must be disclosed; and what limits apply.
