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Heading Level 1 (H1)

This is a subheading. It is only decorative.

Headings (H2)

There are 6 levels of heading (H1-H6). They are used to logically organize content by breaking like paragraphs into small chunks. This facilitates scanning of the page for both visual and non-visual users.

In fact, many screen reader users rely on headings as their primary method for finding information on a page. (source: Screen Reader User Survey #5, Finding Information

Level 2 headings are the first available in a Rich Text Editor. They will always use the primary color for the Division.

Heading Level 3 (H3)

  • Heading level 3 uses your secondary/accent color.

Heading Level 4 (H4)

  • Heading level 4 uses the default text color.
Heading Level 5 (H5 - small)
  • Heading 5 is your secondary/accent color.*
Heading Level 6 (H6 - small)
  • Heading 6 uses your primary accent color*

Small Heading Colors

*H5 and H6 are not considered "large text" for the purposes of calculating accessible color contrast. If your primary or secondary color is not accessible for small text, an alternate color or the default text color will be used instead.

Headings and Hierarchy

HTML (the code that describes web content) has a very limited concept of hierarchy. All content that is not a heading is associated with the most recent heading.

Consider the outline for this page.

  • Heading Level 1 (H1)
    • Headings (H2)
      • Heading Level 3 (h3)
        • Heading Level 4
          • Unordered Lists
          • Ordered Lists
          • Other Notes on Lists
        • A Quick Note on Headings
          • Heading Level 5
            • Heading Level 6

Every bit of content that is not a heading is automatically associated with the header directly preceding it.

So without the heading "Other Notes on Lists" that content would be associated with the heading "Ordered Lists" which would be incorrect.

Keep this in mind when organizing your content. You may need to reorder content or add headings to maintain clarity.

Paragraph Styles

This is a paragraph. Paragraphs use the default text color and a 16px font. Paragraphs are created automatically by pressing the enter key in the Rich Text Editor. Pressing the enter key more than once between two blocks of content will create empty paragraphs which should be avoided. 

Blockquotes should be used sparingly to set off quoted text. Blockquotes are always set in the secondary/accent color.

They are often more effective when surrounded by paragraphs.

Images look like this: 

The Grove

Captions are just italicized paragraphs directly below the image for now... This image is too large and should be re-sized.


Lists should be used to present lists of information. They can be nested. There is no technical limit to nesting level but if you get much more than 2 or 3 lists deep, you should probably consider restructuring your content.

Unordered Lists (UL)

Un-ordered lists (often called bulleted lists) should be used to present list of information for which the order is irrelevant or unimportant. If the list could be reordered without losing information, it's an unordered list. Following is an un-ordered list of things that could be presented in an un-ordered list.

  • Links
  • Recommendations
  • Colors that are not in the rainbow
    • Fuschia
    • Brown
    • Goldish
  • Top three favorite mascots (in no particular order)
    • That one shark that eats people
    • All the round ones
    • Chief Osceola
      • Because of the horse
  • Etc.

Ordered Lists (OL)

Ordered lists (often called numbered lists) should be used to present list of information for which the order is important. Following is an ordered list of things that could be presented in an ordered list from most likely to appear on the actual site to least.

  1. Instructions
  2. Recommendations from most to least helpful
  3. Colors that are in the rainbow from highest luminosity to lowest
    1. White
    2. Yellow
    3. Pink...?
  4. Top three favorite mascots (in order by size)
    1. That one shark that eats people
    2. All the round ones
    3. Chief Osceola
      1. if he were miniature...

Other notes on lists

Some other things to remembering when listing...

  • You can also mix ordered and unordered lists.
    1. This is a nested ordered list
    2. The parent is an unordered list
    3. But that's ok
  • The style for bullets and numbers are set and will be the same for all lists
  • It's very easy to make faux-lists... don't do it! Make sure one of the list buttons on the rich text editor is actually pressed in, or it's not a real list.
  • Screen readers can tell the user how many items are in a list and whether it is ordered or unordered. 
  • I used unordered and un-ordered interchangeably with a preference for unordered.
Heading Level 5 (small)

Heading Level 5 the first heading level that is not considered "large text" for the purposes of calculating acceptable color contrast. Heading 5 is your secondary accent color unless that color does not meet WCAG AA requirements for contrast with small text on a white background. 

In that case, the color will be either the default text color or one of your alternates.

Heading Level 6 (small)

Heading Level 6 is also not considered "large text" for the purposes of calculating acceptable color contrast. Heading 6 uses your primary accent color unless that color does not meet WCAG AA requirements for contrast with small text on a white background. 

In that case, the color will be either the default text color or one of your alternates.

The GroveSoon after arriving in Tallahassee, and aided by knowledge and status gained through his appointed position, Call purchased 640 acres of land at $1.25 per acre. Inspired by The Hermitage and the architectural excellence he had witnessed in Nashville; Philadelphia; and Washington, DC, Call began designing and building a mansion for his growing family. Call served as his own architect and construction manager and many of the materials used to build the house were harvested or manufactured on the 640 acre site. It is not known when the construction of the house was completed, but it appears that the family moved into the structure in the early 1830s and were inhabiting the house by 1836, the year in which Mary Call died at the age of 34. Following her passing, Mary was buried in the family cemetery on the property.

In 1836, less than a month after his wife's death, as President, Jackson appointed Call to a three-year term as Territorial Governor and by 1839, despite a falling out with Jackson, Call was one of Florida's most formidable political, business and military leaders. In 1841 President William Henry Harrison appointed Call to a second three year term as Territorial Governor, during which time his home, now known as The Grove, became the center of public and social gatherings in Tallahassee.

After Florida became a State in 1845, Call ran unsuccessfully in a state-wide election for Governor and retired from public service. Devoting his energies to agriculture, he deeded The Grove to his daughter, Ellen Call Long, and in 1851 he moved to another plantation he owned at nearby Lake Jackson. Eleven years later, after strongly advocating for his beloved Florida to remain in the Union, and witnessing Florida's ultimate secession and the start of the Civil War, Call returned to The Grove, where he died in 1862. Call, like his wife and children who preceded him in death, was buried in the family cemetery on the property.

Following Call's death, The Grove remained in the family and was subsequently owned by a succession of daughters and cousins. During this period, these individuals, predominantly women, passionately held onto the property by demonstrating an entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness that resulted in some modifications to the house, the sale of some of the original property, and the development of several new businesses, but never the loss of The Grove.

In 1942, following the death of Call's granddaughter Reinette Long Hunt and the inheritance of the property by two cousins living in Ohio, the house and property were put on the open market. Although several wealthy Tallahasseans expressed an interest in the property, they all agreed to wait once it became known that Call's great-granddaughter, Mary Call, and her husband, a young lawyer and aspiring politician LeRoy (Roy) Collins, expressed an interest in purchasing the site. The Collinses were ultimately successful, purchasing the property in November 1942 and subsequently moved in, fulfilling a life-long dream of Mary.

At this point, the house and grounds were in disrepair, but the Collinses diligently began the painstaking process of restoring the home and reacquiring some the property previously sold off, including the parcel containing the family cemetery. Over the course of many years, largely through the leadership of Mary, the house was restored, a project and a process that resulted in Mary becoming one of the leaders of the growing historic preservation movement in both Florida and the United States.

The GroveMeanwhile, Roy's career was taking off. Collins had previously been elected, at the age of 25, to the Florida House of Representatives, where he served three terms. In 1942 he was elected to a full term in the Senate, and between 1944 and 1946 he served in the US Navy.

Collins continued his political and legal ascendency following World War II. In 1954 Governor Dan McCarty died after nine months in office, and following a special election, at the age of 46, he was elected Florida's 33rd Governor. When first elected, Collins and his family moved across the street from The Grove to the then existing Executive Mansion. The house, however, was in poor condition, and while the house was being demolished and a new Executive Mansion built, Collins returned to The Grove and his family home became the Governor's mansion.

Two years later, in 1956, Collins was elected to a full term in the Governor's Office by the greatest margin in State history to that point. Shortly after his election, Governor Collins was featured on the cover of Time magazine, in part because of Florida's booming population growth and increasing political clout. As Governor Collins championed education, tourism, highway construction, environmental conservation, and industrial development. He also served as Chairman of the Southern Governor's Conference and the National Governor's Conference, during which time he led the first ever excursion of American Governors to the Soviet Union.

Additionally, as his term as Governor concluded, Collins chaired the 1960 Democratic National Convention that resulted in the nomination of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson as President and Vice President respectively. This time period was characterized by tension and emotion and Collins was credited with leading and administering a successful convention and with skillfully managing a number of potentially explosive events and volatile personalities.

Finally, civil rights and, in particular, segregation were particularly important issues during Collins' time in the Governor's Office, and in many ways this topic became the defining issue of his tenure. Collins approached these issues head-on and was one of the first, and one of a very small number of southern governors who opposed segregation. As such, Governor Collins became a champion for civil rights and ultimately participated in and was present at the signing of the Civil Rights Act by President Johnson in 1964.

After his term as Governor, Collins directed the Community Relations Service, briefly served as Under Secretary of Commerce, and unsuccessfully ran for US Senate in 1967. He passed away in 1991 at The Grove and is buried on the property.
