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Florida Master Site File

Florida's Inventory of Historical, Cultural Resources

Some descriptionThe Florida Master Site File is the State of Florida's official inventory of historical, cultural resources.

Categories of resources recorded at the Site File include:

  • Archaeological sites
  • Historical structures
  • Historical cemeteries
  • Historical bridges
  • Historic districts, landscapes and linear features

The Site File also maintains copies of archaeological and historical survey reports and other manuscripts relevant to history and historic preservation in Florida. The Site File currently holds information on more than 261,000 cultural resources and copies of over 29,000 manuscripts. Site File staff are available to assist citizens, government agencies and historic preservation professionals in performing searches and obtaining information from our inventory.

Site File Forms and Documents

Contact Information

Phone 850.245.6440
Fax 850.245.6439

R. A. Gray Building
500 S. Bronough Street, Room 425
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250


