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Reporting System

The information collected in this system is used by the Florida Division of Historical Resources to better understand what is occurring in each of the  Main Streets Communities on a quarterly basis. Information that is self-reported in this system by the individual communities will be reviewed by Florida Main Street and is used to satisfy the National Main Street Center's Accreditation Standards.

Go To Reporting Site

Cumulative Reporting Statistics September 30, 2024


  • Private Investment: $3,139,921,019
  • Public Investment: $3,780,114,557
  • Net Jobs: 34,608
  • Net Businesses: 11,071
  • Volunteer Hours: 1,666,573


REDI Eligible Communities List

Section 288.0656, Florida Statutes, establishes the Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) to better serve Florida's rural communities by providing a more focused and coordinated effort among state and regional agencies that provide programs and services for rural areas.

Click Here to See the 2021 List of Eligible Communities (updated November 5, 2021)


Applying for a Grant
  • Small Matching Grants: Active Main Street Programs can apply for Small Matching Grants for up to $50,000 with no match requirement (except for the Historical Markers type, which requires a 1:1 match)
  • Special Category Grants: The Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, provides state and federal funds for historic preservation. The purpose of this program is to provide funding, in the form of grants, to assist local, regional, and state-wide efforts to preserve significant historic and archaeological resources and promote knowledge and appreciation of the history of Florida.
  • Visit Florida: VISIT FLORIDA administers several reimbursement grant programs to assist tourism businesses with marketing their business and publicizing the tourism advantages to the State of Florida.
  • Community Planning Technical Assistance Grant: The grants assist municipalities and counties in creating economic development strategies, addressing critical local planning issues and promoting innovative planning solutions to local challenges. Regional planning councils may also be eligible for grant projects at a regional scale that benefit more than one community. CPTA grant funding is delivered to the community or regional planning council after it completes deliverables identified in the grant agreement.
  • Community Development Block Grant Program: The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program was created by Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. The primary statutory objective of the program is to develop viable communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low- and moderate-income. This general objective is achieved by concentrating on activities which benefit low- and moderate-income families. The program can also aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight, and under unique circumstances, the State may also use its funds to meet urgent community development needs. A need is considered urgent if it poses a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community and has arisen in the past 18 months.
  • National Endowment for the Humanities: NEH grants typically go to cultural institutions, such as museums, archives, libraries, colleges, universities, public television, and radio stations, and to individual scholars. 
  • Division of Cultural Affairs: Division grants that support Florida's cultural organizations include General Program Support, Specific Cultural Projects, Fast Track Projects, State Touring, Cultural Facilities, and Cultural Endowments. Individual Artist Fellowships recognize outstanding creative work by Florida artists.
  • Florida Humanities: Since 1973, Florida Humanities has awarded more than $20 million in federal funding statewide in support of the development and presentation of humanities-rich cultural resources and public programs. These projects help preserve Florida’s rich history and heritage, promote civic engagement and community dialogue, and provide opportunities for reflecting on the future of our state.



New Market Tax Credits

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) plays an important role in generating economic growth and opportunity in some of our nation’s most distressed communities. By offering tailored resources and innovative programs that invest federal dollars alongside private sector capital, the CDFI Fund serves mission-driven financial institutions that take a market-based approach to supporting economically disadvantaged communities. These mission-driven organizations are encouraged to apply for CDFI Certification and participate in CDFI Fund programs that inject new sources of capital into neighborhoods that lack access to financing.

Click Here to Go to CDFI Site



Florida Resource Directory

The Florida Resource Directory is a searchable database which can be searched by Agency, Category of Assistance, Program or Keywords. Once you have found a program in which you are interested, you can print the page or access the associated website and/or link to the program's contact for more detailed information and/or an application. 

Click Here to Go to Resource Directory 




Advocacy is about building a relationship with your elected official. Provide them with information on the issues that matter most to you, and let them know about the good work Main Street is doing in their district. The most effective advocates are able to concisely make the case for arts and culture.

Click Here to Go Read Advocacy Tips from NASAA

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