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Displaying Results from: Entire Department of State Site

Your search for "5" matched 1138 page(s).

Showing results 61 to 75.

Florida Artists Hall of Fame


The Florida Artists Hall of Fame, the state's highest cultural honor, was established by the Florida Legislature in 1986 to recognize persons, living or deceased, who have made significant contributions to the arts in Florida either as performing…

Constitutional Amendments/Initiatives


Information on current and historical proposed changes to the Florida Constitution, as well as details on the Initiative Petition process

Qualifying Information


Information on how to qualify to run for office

Election Dates


Detailed information on upcoming Election Dates

Application and Funding Process


General information about the grant application and funding process.

Managing Your Grants


Important forms and requirements that will allow you to accept and successfully manage your grant.



Contains forms for candidates and committees, as well as financial disclosure forms and other forms used by the Division of Elections



Who, what, why and how of the Friends of the State Library & Archives, along with reports, meetings and notices.

Historical Markers


The Florida Historical Marker Program recognizes significant historic resources, persons and events.
