Certified Local Governments
The Certified Local Government (CLG) Program was enacted as part of the National Historic Preservation Act Amendments of 1980. The program links three levels of government -federal, state and local- into a preservation partnership for the identification, evaluation and protection of historic properties. Designation as a certified local government, either as a municipality or a county, makes historic preservation a public policy through passage of a historic preservation ordinance. The ordinance establishes a historic preservation board to develop and oversee the functions of its historic preservation program.
Since its inception in 1986, Florida's Certified Local Government Program has assisted in the survey, designation and preservation of thousands of historic and cultural resources and helped to increase public awareness of historic preservation. Florida currently has 85 CLGs who receive technical assistance and training and may apply for federally funded CLG subgrants to conduct survey, planning and National Register nomination projects.
For more information about the Florida Certified Local Government Program, please explore the menu on the right.
Lists of Florida Certified Local Governments:
Master List of CLGs as of February 17, 2025 (.xlsx)
CLG Contact List as of February 17, 2025 (.pdf)
Contact Information
Phone: 850.245.6341
Certified Local Government Program
Bureau of Historic Preservation
R.A. Gray Building, Fourth Floor
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250