Florida Cuban Heritage Trail
The Trail

To recognize the significance of Cuban history in Florida, the Florida Department of State has published the 64-page Florida Cuban Heritage Trail which highlights historic places, people, and events that are important to Cuban Americans in Florida and to the state's history as a whole. This beautiful book serves as a guide for travelers who want to experience the Cuban heritage of Florida firsthand. Most of the sites listed are accessible to the public.
The Florida Cuban Heritage Trail includes descriptions of more than 100 sites important to the history of Florida and Cuba, profiles of famous Cuban Americans, and a guide to Cuban festivals in Florida. Color photographs throughout vividly depict many of the historic sites that are listed. The book is the second of a series of Florida Heritage publications, the first of which was the Florida Black Heritage Trail
The Sites
Some of the sites in the book include Mission San Luis in Tallahassee, which actively traded with Cuba from a port at nearby St. Marks during the Spanish mission era; Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, the oldest stone fort in the United States, designed by a Cuban engineer and constructed in part by Cubans who also served as soldiers there during Spanish colonial times; Ybor Square in Tampa, once the world's largest cigar factory, homes, and commercial buildings related to the cigar industry in Key West; and buildings and sites in Miami that pay homage to the efforts of Cuban exiles to recreate their home life on the island.

The Book
Florida Cuban Heritage Trail features more than 100 historic sites significant to the heritage of Cubans in Florida. In this 64-page, four-color guide, you'll learn how Florida and Cuba have been connected since the days of European exploration. You'll read about important Cuban historical figures and visit Cuban American festivals all over the state.

- Read the Florida Cuban Heritage Trail online
- Download the Florida Cuban Heritage Trail (pdf, 6.6 MB)
- Discover other Florida Heritage Publications
- Learn more about Cuban history in Florida using this bibliography, accessible through this link to the State Library and Archives of Florida.
Published by the Florida Department of State,
Division of Historical Resources.
ISBN #0-9642289-0-4