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Displaying Results from: Entire Department of State Site

Your search for "c" matched 5036 page(s).

Showing results 1081 to 1095.



New books from the State Library in the Arts category



New books from the State Library in the Biography, Language, and Literature and Rhetoric categories

E-Books Agency


New books from the State Library in the Philosophy and Psychology and Religion categories

Folk Heritage Awards


The Secretary of State, with the recommendations of the Florida Folklife Council, confers Florida Folk Heritage Awards annually. The awards are given to outstanding folk artists and folk culture advocates who have made long-standing contributions…

Early Voting and Secure Ballot Intake Stations


Information on how to cast a ballot at an early voting location before election day or drop off a voted vote-by-mail ballot at a secure ballot intake station

Local Arts Agencies


Local Arts Agencies provide services, support, and programs for arts organizations, artists, and their local communities.

Early Voting and Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Reports


Reports uploaded by Florida Counties during the early voting and vote-by-mail periods.

Voter Registration Reports


Current and historical voter registration reports, going back to 1995.



Resources on the history of Florida counties beginning with the letters D through G



Resources for histories of Florida counties starting with H through J



Resources on the history of Florida counties starting with the letters L through M



Resources on the history of Florida counties starting with N through P



Resources on the history of Florida counties starting with the letters S through W



The Urban Libraries Council named two Florida libraries Top Innovators.
