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Corporate Fees

Filing Fees $ 35.00
Registered Agent Designation $ 35.00
*Certified Copy (optional) $ 8.75
TOTAL $ 78.75
Amendment of any record $ 35.00
Name Reservation $ 35.00
Profit Annual Report (& Supplemental Fee) $ 150.00
Profit Annual Report (Received after May 1) $ 550.00
Amended Profit Annual Report $ 61.25
Articles of Correction $ 35.00
Non-Profit Annual Report $ 61.25
Certificate of Status $ 8.75
*Certified Copy $ 8.75 (see below)
*Photocopies $ 10.00 (see below)
Change of registered agent $ 35.00
Dissolution & withdrawal $ 35.00
Foreign Name registration $ 87.50
Foreign Name renewal $ 87.50
Merger (per party) $ 35.00
Certificate of Conversion $ 35.00 (+New Entity Filing fees, if applicable)
Reinstatement (Profit) $ 600.00 (+each year annual report fee)
Reinstatement (Non-Profit) $ 175.00 (+each year annual report fee)
Resignation of Reg. Agent (active corporation) $ 87.50
Resignation of Reg. Agent (inactive corporation) $ 35.00
Revocation of Dissolution $ 35.00
Substitute service of process (Chapter 48, F.S.) $ 8.75

*Certified Copies are $8.75 for the first 8 pages and $1.00 for each additional page, not to exceed a maximum of $52.50. This fee is applied only to requests that are done in person. All mail-in requests are charged a flat $8.75.

*Photocopies are $1.00 per page for requests that are brought in to our office. All mail-in requests are charged a flat $10.00.
