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Daily Data

Daily files are generated on work days and contain the filings added to our record that day. If no filings were added to our database (for example on holidays or during office closures), no file will be generated. The date in the file name (yyyyymmdd) is the date the information in the file was entered into our database.

All data downloads are available through your browser or a secure FTP client of your choice using the information below.

After login, you will be in the public directory and will need to navigate to the location for the specific file(s) you want. You can find those locations in the tables below.

Corporate Data

Corporate data includes corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships. It does not include trademarks. See Corporate File Definitions for data definitions and file structure.


SFTP Location


Daily Corporate Filings

doc > cor


Daily Corporate Events

doc > cor > events


Note: Some corporate filings such as annual reports or address changes, are not considered events and are not included in the downloads. 

Federal Tax Lien Data Downloads

Federal Tax Lien data is broken into four separate files.  See Federal Tax Lien File Definitions for data definitions and file structure.


Location (from Public)


Federal Lien Filings

doc > flr > filings


Federal Lien Events

doc > flr > events


Federal Lien Debtors

doc > flr > debtors


Federal Lien Secured Parties

doc > flr > secured


Fictitious Name Data

Fictitious name data is broken into two separate files. One contains the registrations, and the other contains events and actions. See Fictitious Name File Definitions for data definitions and file structure.


Location (from Public)


Fictitious Name Filings

doc > fic


Fictitious Name Events

doc > fic


General Partnership Data

General Partnership data is broken into two separate files. See General Partnership File Definitions for data definitions and file structure.



Location (from Public)


General Partnership Filings

doc > gen > filings


General Partnership Events

doc > gen > events


Mark Data

Mark data contains registration data for trademarks, service marks and other mark filings. There is only one file. See Mark File Definition for data definitions and file structure.


Location (from Public)


Mark Filings

doc > tm


How to Download

  1. Identify the file you want from the list above and note it's location.
  2. Select the “Continue to Download Files” button to enter the Data Access Portal.
  3. Use the public access credentials to sign into the Data Access Portal.
    • Username = Public
    • Password = PubAccess1845!
  4. Navigate to the location of the file you want.

Continue to Download Files
