Florida World War II Heritage Trail
WWII training aircraft displayed at the
National Museum of Naval Aviation
The Florida World War II Heritage Trail, a 72-page guidebook, includes color and archival photographs of Florida sites related to World War II, and biographical sketches of many men and women who played a significant role during the war. Produced by the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources in association with the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs World War II Memorial Project, Florida World War II Heritage Trail features more than 150 Florida World War II-related sites and military assets in 74 Florida cities from Pensacola to Key West.
Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine
During World War II, 16 million Americans served in uniform, of which 248,000 were Floridians. In addition to these veterans, thousands of other Floridians contributed to the war effort at home building roads, working in manufacturing plants, building and running military training installations, and operating vital businesses that contributed to the nationwide efforts that preserved the freedoms we enjoy. Today, more than 500,000 World War II veterans are residents of Florida.
The Little White House, Key West
In 1999 Governor Jeb Bush signed a law providing for the creation of Florida's World War II Memorial. Since that time, the Department of Veterans' Affairs has conducted fundraising, concept development, and design work concerning this long overdue tribute honoring the sacrifices made by Florida's World War II veterans and those who served at home.
Florida's World War II Memorial is a unique, multifaceted living Memorial. The components include: a World War II exhibit in the Museum of Florida History, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee; a World War II educational curriculum supplement available to high school American History teachers; this Florida Heritage Trail guidebook dedicated to Florida's involvement in World War II; and a permanent World War II monument in Tallahassee. In conjunction with the World War II exhibit at the Museum of Florida History, the Department of State developed a
Florida World War II Memorial website that includes a statewide network of World War II resources featuring military installations, veterans' organizations, historic sites, museums, libraries, universities, and historical societies, made accessible to the public through technology and the Internet.

Published by the Florida Department of State,
Division of Historical Resources.
ISBN #1-889030-21-X